How to make money from facebook. | Ways to make money from Facebook.

 Ways to make money from Facebook. | How to make money from facebook. 


        Facebook is the world's most popular social media network.No one is unknown from facebook.  But do you think we can make money from facebook? Yes, we can really make money from facebook. In this article, we discuss 10 ways to make money from Facebook or how to make money from facebook.

Key features of facebook
 Global Rank.                     :  3
 Total visits (per month) :  23,000,000,000+
 Active users.                     : 2,000,000,000+

How much you can make money from facebook?
 It depends upon your skills, smart work, your knowledge about Facebook and the time you that you spend on Facebook.


1.     Internet connection
2.     Smartphone/laptop
3.     Chrome (recommended)
4.     Basic knowledge of facebook

1.Facebook ads (audience network)

If you are an app developer or you have any website then this is for you like Google Adsense facebook has their own advertising network. With Facebook ads, you can make thousands of dollars. You just simply place the advertising units on your website. This is an alternative of Adsense and AdMob. The approval of Facebook ads is easier than Adsense.  You can use rewarded videos(by facebook ads) to get more clicks on advertisements

To know more: click here

2.Affiliate marketing on Facebook.

If you have your own facebook page and minimum 1000 likes on your page then affiliate marketing is the best way to monetize your Facebook page. Working as an affiliate marketer and make money by affiliate marketing is not so hard as we think. Yes, you can do affiliate marketing on Facebook by creating a post on your facebook page. Affiliate marketing is a great way to boost your earnings doing affiliate marketing on Facebook is allowed.  You just want to create a facebook page and sign up for a few affiliate networks like
·        Amazon
·        Cj (commission junction)
·        Click bank
·         Share a sale

After that create your affiliate link and promote it on your facebook page. when anyone clicks on your link and purchases something  from your affiliate link on then you will get a specific commission

3. Giviving shout or promoting others directly   

 As you have seen many times many business pages admin post promotional content on their pages i.e the promote another person’s product or page on their page. Many of them charge to post the promotional content on their blog. If you have minimum 5000 likes on the facebook page or minimum 1000 members on your own group then you will definitely get paid to post promotional content.
You just want to find sponsorers for your page. For that contact some page admins who are beginners and having fewer likes on their facebook page. Message them that you will promote them if they give you $ (charge them according to your audience and page  likes or members of your group)

4.Facebook page manager

This is the best way to make money on facebook because the companies and startups want to be online they make facebook page after they gain 1000-6000 likes they outsource the page work or hire facebook page manager, also digital marketing companies manage facebook page but they charge a lot from their client hence startups prefer to hire a page manager. As an individual, this is a big opportunity for you to generate income. This is like a business and you are the boss of your own.
You can charge them minimum 20$ and maximum according to your knowledge, experience and skills

 Basic Requirements:
·        Good knowledge of facebook page
·        Good communication skills
·        Time
·        Photoshop or other image editing, making software(to create posts)
(Note: it's your responsibility to post content without any issue)

5.Facebook Account Manager

We all know Facebook is the biggest social media network, therefore, companies never neglect facebook. This the free and best platform of their promotion. same as page manager startups also outsource their facebook account managing because of the high rate of digital marketing companies they also hire an employee or hire an individual that is less costly for them.
Basic Requirements:
·        Good knowledge of facebook 
·        Good communication skills
·        Time
·        Photoshop or other  image editing, making software(to create posts)
(Note: it's your responsibility to post content without any issue)

6.Become a facebook developer

If you are interested in coding then it is a big opportunity for you. because facebook is providing 
huge knowledge of coding. in today's world, there will nothing happen in the corporate sector or in our daily life even the article you are reading is created using coding. If you re interested in coding in any way then it is the golden opportunity for you
     IF you want to make a career in web development or app development then facebook will soo beneficial for you.

Go to the official site:-Click Here 

7.Sharing links

when surfing on facebook you often seen many links shared by peoples many of the links are promotional. if you have a youtube channel or website then you can share your video link or website link by this your traffic will increase and as a result, it will boost your earnings.

If you don't have any channel or website.....?
 if don't have any channel or website then also you can make money from facebook by asking other website admins, Facebook page managers to promote their website on your account for their promotion you can charge them.
you can make money by sharing any link using a URL shortener.  To know more: -click here

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