How to Make Money On Instagram

6 Ways to Make money on Instagram.|How to Make Money On Instagram.

Introduction:  Instagram is a social networking website. Many of us share pics, images, stories on Instagram.  most of the users of Instagram uses the Instagram app which has over a billion plus downloads. there are huge opportunities to make money with Instagram

  • Instagram has a monthly 1 billion+  active users.
  • 25 million+ active business profiles.
  • 60% of users are adults
  • 300 million Instagram  accounts use stories every day

Requirements to make money on Instagram: 

1) You should have a  Business account there are two types accounts first Personal Account and second Business Account 

2)you should have a minimum of 1500 engaging followers 

Also check: -How to increase Instagram followers organically


1.Creating sponsored posts(for companies  and brands ) 

    If you have engaging followings then you can make more money than usual by creating sponsored content for businesses or brands. These sponsored posts may contain @mentions, branded #hastags, sponsored links

2.Affiliate marketing

    To do affiliate marketing more effectively you must need minimum 10,000 follower.If you have 10,000 follower then instagram allows you to share links in your stories.
    If you dont have much followers you can add links in by following steps:
  Profile>edit profile>website>(your link here.

3. Sell your account of Instagra

   This is indirect way to make money on instagram.But you can make money by selling your account to other. The price of your account may depend on your niche,your followers,your engagement with followers,etc.

4. Sell photos

   If you are enthusiastic in photography or if you are a graphic designer then it is the best way to make money.
For example:-
   If you want to sell image just post it with a custom watermark and leave a caption like to  buy for x$(your price) contanct me 0000000(your mobile number)

5.Promote your own product on Instagram

If you made any product and you want to incrase your sells of this product just make an instagram business account and post the information and images of products and give the buying link in bio.

6.Run advertisement  campaign  to get known and to establish your BRAND

If you are a company and want to get known by your customers then run an advertisement campaign on instagram. Once your brand get established as a result your product sells will auto matically increase

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